This is the conclusion to my Fictional campaign. Starting in March I will be posting Battle reports for historical battles that were fought in Virginia in 1862.
When we left off, The battle was just getting started.
The Pennsylvania Brigade advances to meet the South Carolina attackers. |
Confederate Left flank advancing. |
The Georgia Brigade in the center of the attack moves even closer. By this time. They have taken a few hits from the Federal Artillery |
Adjusting Fire, the battery makes the most of its position and rains shells along the road. |
One Union Battery holds their fire until they can see their target. They know the Confederates are coming. Soon they will Crest the ridge......... |
.....and they will let loose with their guns. |
"Forward men, Forward!!" The Confederate center surges forward. as they move closer, the air begins to be filled with the rising voices of the "Rebel Yell." |
Due to the rating of the woods and the line of sight rule, the opposing forces had to get in close to let loose their musketry. |
The New York battery opens fire with double canister at the approaching Brigade. |
Casualties begin to mount up. The brigade commander is shot from his horse and killed. a few of his regiments are routed from the field. |
The contest in the woods unfolds. The leading Pennsylvania regiment expends their ammo and is forced to retire. The assaults were just too much for them. |
The Center of the attack stalls. to the Confederate left we see the South Carolina brigade hotly engaged in the woods. Where is the Alabama Brigade? They are having a tough time coming through the woods in their front. messengers getting lost, orders being either ignored or misunderstood. Without support, the attack will fail and they Federals will take the attackers apart brigade by brigade. |
The Alabama Brigade continues to move at a slow pace. |
The Georgia brigade is all but swept from the field. |
The Federal right flank begins to stabilize as the South Carolina Brigade looses steam. Shortly afterwards the SC brigade falls back and holds a position just inside the wood line. In the center, The remainder of the Georgia Brigade limps back to their starting positions. The Alabama Brigade finally pushes it's way out of the woods to attack the Federal left flank. They make a brilliant stand but the concentrated fire from the Federals drives them off. With this the battle comes to a conclusion. A Federal Victory. |
With the conclusion of this battle comes the end of my fictional campaign. The battles that I have fought so far have been based loosely on real battle situations or terrain. I have used these fictional battles as practice for when i do actual historical battles. The result of my fictional campaign is, Confederate Wins=5, Federal Wins=6, Draw=6. It has been pretty equal across the board. The game mechanics are pretty straight forward. The outcome of the battles depend on the dice and and skill of the generals. On the topic of Generals, The losses of Brigade commanders is shocking. An average of almost one general casualty per game. I admit that I should have kept an over all count of casualties so I could give hard numbers.However, like I said, this was a "learning the rules" experience, I am happy to say that the next series of battles will be a bit more informative.