~Orders of Battle~
Union Forces
BG Edwin Sumner II Corps Army of the Potomac
approx 11,500 men
BG Israel Richardson's 1st Division
BG Oliver O. Howard's Brigade
5th NH Inf 6 stands
81st PA Inf 6 stands
61st NY Inf 6 stands
64th NY Inf 6 stands
BG William French's Brigade
57th NY Inf 6 stands
52nd NY Inf 6 stands
53rd PA Inf 6 stands
66th NY Inf 6 stands
BG Thomas Meagher's "Irish" Brigade
69th NY Inf 6 stands
88th NY Inf 6 stands
83rd NY Inf 6 stands
BG David Birney's Brigade
38th NY Inf 3 stands
40th NY Inf 3 stands
3rd ME Inf 3 stands
4th ME Inf 3 stands
BG Francis E. Patterson's Brigade (from Heintzelman's III Corps, Hooker's 2nd Division)
5th NJ Inf 3 stands
6th NJ Inf 3 stands
7th NJ Inf 3 stands
8th NJ Inf 3 stands
BG Daniel Sickles's Brigade (from Heintzelman's III Corps, Hooker's 2nd Division)
70th NY Inf 5 stands
71st NY Inf 5 stands
72nd NY Inf 5 stands
73rd NY Inf Zouaves 5 stands
74th NY Inf Zouaves 5 stands
Confederate Forces
MG James Longstreet's Corps
approx 11,100 men
BG Richard H. Anderson's Division
BG. William Mahone's Brigade
3rd AL Inf 6 stands
41st VA Inf 6 stands
12th VA Inf 6 stands
BG Raleigh Colston's Brigade
13th NC Inf 6 stands
14th NC Inf 6 stands
3rd VA Inf 6 stands
BG Lewis Armistead's Brigade
9th VA Inf 7 stands
14th VA Inf 7 stands
53rd VA Inf 7 stands
BG George Pickett's Brigade
18th VA Inf 4 stands
19th VA Inf 4 stands
8th VA Inf 4 stands
28th VA Inf 4 stands
BG Roger Pryor's Brigade
8th AL Inf 6 stands
14th AL Inf 6 stands
14th LA Inf 6 stands
BG Cadmus Wilcox's Brigade
9th AL Inf 5 stands
10th AL Inf 5 stands
11th AL Inf 5 stands
19th MS Inf 5 stands
Early in the Morning of June 1st. General Longstreet ordered a limited probing advance along the line to feel out the enemies position and strength. At more or less the same moment. The Union Forces made a general advance all along the line that resulted in a counterattack by the Union army.
The town of Seven Pines is seen at the crossroads. The Williamsburg Stage Road is seen running from left to right of the map. The earthworks from the day before can been seen on the left side of the map. Fair Oaks Station can be seen in the top left corner of the map.The Confederate Forces are deployed on the southern side of the Richmond and York Railroad. |
Overhead view of the battlefield and the dispositions of the forces involved. |
MG James Longstreet in Seven Pines. |
BG Israel Richardson and Division HQ escort |
The Irish Brigade under the command of BG Thomas Meagher. |
BG Edwin V. Sumner's II Corps HQ Escort |
BG Daniel Sickles and the "Excelsior" Brigade. |
BG Francis Patterson's Brigade |
BG David Birney's Brigade |
BG William French's Brigade |
BG Cadmus Wilcox's Brigade |
BG Roger Pryor's Brigade |
BG George E. Pickett's Brigade in the bend of the Confederate line. |
BG Lewis Armistead's Brigade |
BG William Mahone's Brigade on the Confederate left flank near the Fair Oaks Station. |
BG Oliver O. Howard's Brigade near Fair Oaks station. |
BG Raleigh Colston's Brigade held as reserve in Seven Pines. |
Another view of the battlefield looking East. |
Turn 1. Confederate Initiative. Confederate BG Cadmus Wilcox's Brigade opens up on Sickles' "Excellsior" Brigade. The line of sight and the closeness of the opposing forces brings heavy casualties in the opening shots of the battle. |
BG Pryor's brigade moves forward. |
during the Union phase of the turn. All Federal Brigades manage to move forward. |
Birney's Brigade attempts to cross the tracks. |
Pickett gives orders for his men to prepare to open fire. |
Armisteads Brigade advances to the tracks. |
BG Raleigh Colston's Brigade waits in anticipation of orders bringing them to the front. |
Turn 2. Federal Initiative. Sickle's and Paterson's Brigades open volleys on Wilcox's right flank. Wilcox's responds with a devastating volley on the 72nd NY Inf which in turn gives up the field. All along the line the sounds of musketry are heard. on the Confederate left flank, French's Brigade opens fire on Mahone's Brigade. The forces involved go back and forth. BG George Pickett's 19th Virginia Infantry open a volley on Patterson's 7th NJ Infantry. During the exchange, a hail of minnie balls strike the Federal Regiment. General Patterson, who was advancing with his men, was struck in the neck. Falling from his horse, he died in a matter of minutes, The 7th NJ Infantry rout from the field under the pressure of the Confederate fire. |
The killing ground east of Seven Pines. |
The Battle near Fair Oaks Station. |
The two opposing armies become locked in a mortal struggle. The coming turns will unfold as the engagement intensifies all along the line.................. To be Concluded.