Friday, May 29, 2015

Battle of Hilltop Farm Part 1

This was a Brigade level engagement with artillery support.

Turn 1.  Federal Initiative. Artillery runs forward followed by the Infantry in column. Maj. General Sebastian
smokes on his pipe as the men move by. Brig General S. Elliott has the brigade.

The Federal Brigade in column on the march. They are heading to the base of the hill.

Maj. General Duncan fails to order the march. Brig General Caleb Moves his command up
behind the hill.

The fife and drum play "The Campbell's Are Coming" along with other
marches. The troops are in high spirits.

The farm on the top of the hill. The Confederate brigade can be seen coming up.

The Confederate troops are equally in good spirits. The regimental band plays
"Palmetto Quickstep" and "White Cockade." Nothing like a good march to get the blood up.

Turn 2. Confederate Initiative. Gen. Duncan wonders where his messenger went to.
Brig. Gen. Caleb wonders why His general hasn't sent any orders. He takes matters into his own hands and
calls his men into line of battle at the base of the hill. The artillery makes for the other hill.

General Sebastian deploys the artillery on his side of the hill. The infantry regiments go into line and make ready to ascend the hill.


Turn 3. Confederate Initiative. Both brigades move to the crest of the hill.
The soldiers move up as fast as they can.

Federal Artillery Battery sets up.

The Confederate Battery on the hill opens fire with canister into the oncoming infantry.

General Sebastian looks on as his troops move up.

Brig General Caleb moves his brigade at the double quick and then halts just below the crest of the hill.

Turn 4. Confederate Initiative. Having a "Stonewall" moment, Duncan halts his brigade below the crest of the hill.
This protects his troops from the artillery. Confederate Artillery open up with canister on the infantry again. Federal artillery respond with counter battery fire. A casson his hit and explodes killing a few artillerists.
The Federal Brigade pushes to the top of the hill into the awaiting Confederates.
General Caleb yells at the top of his lungs. "Hold your fire boys, not yet!" Slowly the Union troops come into view.

General Caleb waits for what seems like an eternity. From his horse he yells.
"Okay, let them have it! FIRE BY BRIGADE, FIRE!" The Colonels repeat the order to their regiments and the
hill side rattles with the sound of musketry and the puff of smoke.


  1. Thank you Phil. I have been gaining battlefield turf. It has been a slow process. Each one of my battles becomes more "visual" as I go.


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